Love In Full Color

Love In Full Color

A Contemporary blog on Love, identity, and all of the moments that define us.

Introducing: Letters To No One:

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The Latest Post

A b o u t

 Hey, I’m Lyna.

Welcome to my little corner of the internet.

I am a writer, blogger, professional day dreamer, and part-time over-thinker.

Basically, I turn life’s chaos into words and call it art. Stick around— it’s raw, unfiltered, a little messy, but always real.

I am someone who believes that the most beautiful parts of life often come from the messiest places. As a 22-year-old who has planned the majority of her life around keeping a ball off of the floor, I’m just now finding my footing in the world beyond being an athlete, uncovering who I am and what I truly want.

This space is for the conversations we don’t always have out loud—about love, identity, sex, and all the pieces of ourselves we’re still figuring out.

I am so excited that you are here.

The Q&A line is open for any and all questions, comments, or concerns. Looking to reach me for another reason? Go Here or you can find me through socials.

“There’s a delicate alchemy in the spaces where life isn’t asking you to be anything but simply inviting you to become.”

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Words From You

Words From You

“I am so proud of you for this, you have always been one of the most authentic people I have ever met in my life and I’ve admired you for so many years. I love what you’ve written so far and can’t wait to continue to keep up with you as you start this journey. Much love ❤️❤️❤️”


“I know you just posted this but I already read through the two you have posted on there (oops). I think this blog could REALLY help young girls, especially those without older sisters or motherly figures. This is very deep & well written! It shows just how comfortable you are in your own skin and I think that’s something a lot of us need🫶🏻”


“Wow! You have such a way with words. As a fellow little girl who’s mother was swallowed whole from addiction, you explained feelings I could never put into words. This is such a cool thing that you’re doing! Wishing you the best of luck with this and you’ve got yourself a reader in me.”


“Wow!! just read the trauma blog. Thank you for sharing your raw experience. Your way with words is remarkable! I was brought to tears more than once. I can’t help but still think of you and your sister as little girls. I know you are both fully grown, beautiful women now, but your middle school selves live forever, rent free,  in my heart ❤️”


“I have never met you in real life before but we have always followed each other on social media. After reading your blog I felt like I have known you my whole life. You have such a way with words. I was wondering if you could write about the struggles of body image issues and self love in the future? That is something that I have always struggled with and I think hearing some advice from you would help me and so many others🩷”


“This is so good. I’m so excited and happy for you!! You’re sharing true glimpses of your life and that’s a blessing to the world.”
